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Top 10 fruit rankings


Top 10 fruit rankings


Top 10 fruit rankings 


Which fruit has the highest nutritional value?  Let’s take a look –


1st place – Apple


Top 10 fruit rankings

Top of the list is apples, because apples are rich in fibre, can supplement the body’s fibre, it not only reduces the incidence of heart disease, but also helps to lose weight. Many people mostly Americans diet one day a week, and only eat apples, known as “Apple Day”. Experiments have shown that diabetics should eat sour apples, while patients with cardiovascular disease and obese people should eat sweet apples, cooked apples when treating constipation, fresh apples can be eaten before going to bed, can eliminate bacteria in the mouth, improve kidney function. If you want to treat cough and hoarse voice, then drinks raw apple juice, and after warming apple and eating, is a good medicine for children and the elderly indigestion.


2nd place – Apricots


Top 10 fruit rankings


Carotene content is high, it can help the body take vitamin A. They have large quantities of potassium, magnesium, calcium. Recent studies have found that apricots are rich in anti-cancer substances – vitamin B17, often consumed, can improve the body’s immune function, thus playing a role in suppressing cancer cell. Apricots have the effect of lung-stopping turbulence, thirst-quenching, suitable for long coughing and wheezing and poor appetite. However, it is very heaty and can cause stomach upset, tooth loss etc.. so the inner heat needs to monitored before eating too much.


3rd place – Bananas


Top 10 fruit rankings
Third place is banana, potassium content is very high, potassium on the human body has an inhibitory effect. Eating more bananas can reduce blood pressure and prevent hypertension. Studies have shown that eating two bananas a day can effectively reduce blood pressure by 10%. This is good for heart and muscle function. Bananas contain rich soluble fibres, also known as pectin, which can help digestion and adjust gastrointestinal function. Bananas also have an effect on people who have insomnia or emotional stress, because bananas contain proteins that carry amino acid, which has the effect of appeasing nerves, so eating some bananas before bed can play some sedative effect.


4th place – Blackberry


Top 10 fruit rankings 
Blackberry, pleasant colour, rich nutrition, suitable for fresh food or processing into drinks, fruit juices, jams, canned sugar water and so on. Fruit is sweet and delicious, scented, sugar 6 to 10.67 per cent, containing the human body’s essential 17 amino acids and vitamins, including vitamin C content is 5 times the apple, grape6 times, eat summer, thirst and sputum, wake up wine. The amount of fibre in blackberries of the same weight is more than three times that of other fruits, which is good for heart health. Particularly important: blackberry fruit contains an extremely rich anti-ageing substance SOD, an amino acid and other anti-ageing substances. Regular consumption can benefit in a long life, light life. Due to its magic effect, it is popular all over the world, in foreign countries known as “the fruit of life.”


5th place – Blueberries


Top 10 fruit rankings
Blueberries, fruit content is very high, flower pigmentation, SOD content is many times higher than other plants, blueberries are identified by the United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO) as one of the top five health foods of human beings, with anti-human ageing effect. Blueberry fruit has edible anthocyanins, anthocyanins help improve brain memory and intelligence, reduce the accumulation of cholesterol, improve cardiovascular function, prevent heart disease, prevent urinary tract infections, enhance collagen, regulate blood sugar, improve night vision and treatment of diarrhoea and other effects.


6th place – Melon

Top 10 fruit rankings
The sixth is Watermelon. Melon is loved by many. This fruit of sweet, juicy taste is very good for health with sufficient antioxidants and minerals, vitamin A and C are high. It is the ideal food to supplement vitamins. There is a lot of potassium in the watermelon. It helps to clean the body of toxins and keep the kidneys healthy. It also aids in the reduction of the amount of uric acid in the blood. The water in the watermelon also helps to keep the urethra healthy. According to the data published in an international journal titled ‘Experimental and Clinical’, the watermelon contains 92 per cent of the water. This is why it plays a role in eliminating the water loss caused by sweating during the summer. A study published in The American Journal of Hypertension found that the amount of potassium and magnesium in the watermelon is very effective in reducing high blood pressure. It also plays a role in reducing the risk of blood clots, stroke, heart disease. It is also useful for diabetics because of the vitamins and minerals in the liquid. It controls the amount of blood sugar in the blood. Researchers at the University of London say that watermelons help to keep eye health healthy. Vitamins containing beta-carotene keep the eyes well and prevent ageing vision loss.



7th place – Cherry


Top 10 fruit rankings
The seventh is the Cherry. Its most important characteristic is that it is an excellent antioxidant. Cherry, which contains an abundance of vitamin A, also contains vitamins C, K and B6. It is also rich in phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. Cherry consumed by almost everyone with its excellent colour, pleasant smell and exotic taste; C, A, K is a summer fruit rich in vitamins. The benefits of cherries can be listed as; VITAMIN RICH: Cherry, which is very rich in vitamins C, A and K, is a healthy fruit recommended to consume by experts, especially cherry stems that have edema and diuretic properties, lately has become very popular. Relaxes the digestive system. It fixes the problem of prison. Effect of diarrhoea in people suffering from constipation. In the same way will solve the problem of indigestion. Provides a benefit for healthy sleep with melatonin content: Cherry contains an abundance of melatonin. Melatonin is a potent antioxidant and plays a role in healthy sleep and self-renewal. anti-ageing Cherry, vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids (anthocyanins), such as storage of antioxidants. It also prevents negative effects of oxidants, such as weakening of the heart and nervous system, loss of vision, macula degeneration, hair loss, wrinkles on the skin, loss of libido, colon and prostate cancer.


8th place – Cranberry


Top 10 fruit rankings


The eighth is Cranberry. Cranberries are characterized by a large number of important nutrients, are rich in vitamins, minerals and have a beneficial effect on the immune system and have antioxidant effects. Another advantage of cranberries is that half the cup contains only twenty-five calories. That’s why they are a very popular ingredient in both fruit and vegetable salads. Cranberries mainly reduce the risk of cystitis. They contain Vitamin C which is capable of blocking the damage caused by free radicals and strengthens the body against infection. It is also a great helper of obese people who try to lose weight. It contains Vitamin E which is fat-soluble, and is significantly involved in the function of the immune system. It can help or delay diseases that are associated with free radicals. Cranberries are best-known fighters against Urinary tract infection as well as a protector and prevention against its formation. The high content of proanthocyanidins binds to various bacteria, preventing them from clinging to the walls of the digestive tract and urinary tract, causing an unpleasant infection. Cranberries also help in Cardiovascular diseases as they prevent the accumulation of platelets and reduce blood pressure with the help of an anti-inflammatory mechanism. According to research, Cranberries are big fighters with cancer. Studies have shown that they help the process of slowing the progression of the tumour, especially prostate, liver, breast, ovary and colon cancers.



9th place – Grapefruit


Top 10 fruit rankings


The ninth is grapefruit, which is high in vitamin C, and has been medically proven to contain a lot of antioxidants, and grapefruit contains very low calories, each only about 60 calories. In addition to being rich in vitamin C, while red and pink pulp are more important than white meat. In addition to the two plant-based chemicals of limonene and terpenes, grapefruit is low-fat and high-fibre, plus rich in vitamin C, They are good fruits for fighting cancer, preventing cardiovascular disease and helping digestion.

10th place – Purple Grapes


Top 10 fruit rankings
The tenth is purple grapes, whose flavonoids and other substances can provide triple protection for the heart. A recent study in the United States has shown that drinking 224 grams to 280 grams of purple grape juice a day inhibits platelet coagulation in the blood, which can prevent heart disease. In a comparative experiment with orange juice and grapefruit juice, it was found that grape juice had the best effect on heart disease prevention, and that purple grape juice was better than white grape juice, which was even better than aspirin. Low-dose aspirin is currently a common treatment for heart disease.


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