Health food

Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty


Moringa leaves (of Drumstick tree) named Moringa oleifera contain compounds that are antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory. This plant originated from India and is also found in Africa, South America, and Asia. Moringa contains more than 30 anti-oxidants that are useful for smoothing digestion, maintaining weight, smoothing the body’s metabolism for calorie burning, anti-inflammatory (infection), and much more. In addition, its nutrients also make this plant very beneficial for beauty treatments. Here you can read about some Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty –


Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty


Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health


Here we show some benefits of moringa leaves for the health of the body, namely:


1. Relieve menstrual pain
2. Prevent jaundice
4. Overcoming Diabetes
5. Overcoming skin diseases
6. Maintain kidney health
7. Maintain heart health
8. Prevent cancer
9. Meet nutritional needs
10. Lowers blood pressure
11. Prevents Anemia
12. Good for memory
13. Good for menopausal women
14. Good for malnourished children


1. Relieve Menstrual Pain

Do you normally experience severe pain during menstruation? Try consuming fresh moringa leaf juice. According to some research, moringa leaves contain natural ingredients that are beneficial for relieving pain as well as inflammation during menstruation.


2. Preventing Jaundice

Jaundice can be prevented by regular consumption of moringa leaves. The consumption of these leaves will make the body more immune to the viruses that cause the disease.


3. Overcoming Diabetes

Unbalanced sugar levels in diabetics can be overcome by eating moringa leaves. Chlorogenic acid contained in moringa leaves is excellent for making blood sugar stable. Consume at least 150 mg of moringa leaf extract regularly to cope with diabetes.


4. Overcoming Skin Diseases

The antiseptic content of moringa leaves makes it potent for killing bacteria. If you have skin problems such as allergies, hives, or herpes, you can use a mask or moringa leaf compress to relieve the itchy and poignant sensation.


5. Maintaining Kidney Health

One of the benefits of moringa leaves that can not be ignored is to help maintain kidney health. Various diseases that attack the kidneys can be prevented with moringa leaves.


6. Maintaining Heart Health

Moringa leaves are beneficial in maintaining heart health, especially in warding off bad and inflammatory cholesterol that can cause health problems in the heart.


7. Preventing Cancer

Cancer can be caused by acute inflammation. According to an article published by Healthline, research proves that the content of isothiocyanate in moringa leaves help overcome and prevent inflammation.


8. Meet Nutritional Needs

A cup of moringa leaves contains protein, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, vitamin A, and magnesium. If consumed as a vegetable, this food is enough to increase the nutrient intake of vitamins and minerals that the body needs.


9. Lowers Blood Pressure

Moringa oleifera aka moringa contains quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that can help normalize blood pressure.


10. Prevents anaemia

The high iron content in moringa leaves makes it beneficial to help prevent anaemia.


11. Good for memory

The antioxidant content as well as the chemicals contained in moringa leaves, are believed to relieve stress and inflammation in the brain. This makes it good to improve memory.


12. Good for menopausal women

The efficacy of moringa leaves consumed in powder form is believed to help increase antioxidant levels in women who have gone through menopause. In menopausal age, antioxidant levels in the body will indeed decrease due to reduced production of the hormone estrogen. However, more research is still needed to find out the benefits of moringa leaves.


13. Good for malnourished children

One of the benefits of moringa leaves that are not widely known is its ability to help increase weight in children with malnutrition. This efficacy can be obtained by consuming moringa leaf powder for two months on a regular basis. However, pay attention to possible side effects and discuss with your doctor about their safety in advance.


Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty


Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty



Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Beauty

Moringa leaves also provide properties for the beauty of the skin. These leaves contain proteins and vitamin C that can protect skin cells from damage. In fact, moringa leaves can also maintain the health and strength of the hair. For skin and hair care, you can make moringa leaves as a mask.

Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Beauty

1. Prevent premature ageing
2. Overcome dry lips
3. Brighten the skin
4. Overcome acne
5. Detoxification
6. Summarize pores


1. Prevent Premature Aging

The content of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E that has moringa leaves can be used to keep the skin youthful. Moringa leaves can be used as a mixture of masks or compresses.

Moringa oil and moringa leaves can be used for face masks because it can prevent wrinkles in the face as well as fight skin damage due to free radicals. Moringa leaves can tighten the skin and make the face youthful.


2. Moisturize lips

Often have dry and cracked lip skin problems? Use fresh moringa leaves that have been pounded as scrub. Rub gently on the lips, then let stand for 5 minutes.


3. Brighten the Skin

The content of vitamin C and vitamin E owned by moringa leaves can also help brighten the dull skin of the face. Use mashed moringa leaves as a mask. This mask will help brighten and fade acne scars.


4. Overcoming Acne

Inflamed acne can be overcome by the anti-inflammatory properties possessed by moringa leaves. Use a moringa mask to cool the skin that has inflamed acne.


5. Detoxification

Diligently eating moringa leaves can help cleanse toxins in the body. The detoxifying effect of moringa leaves can prevent the appearance of acne and other skin problems.


6. Summarizing Pores

Apply a moringa leaf mask to summarize pores. Wear this mask regularly and pores will avoid the build-up of dirt, sebum, and blackheads.

These are the various benefits of moringa leaves for health and beauty. Consume moringa leaves as vegetables regularly or use as a mixture of masks and compresses to obtain their properties. 

Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty

But before picking its properties, you need to know how to process moringa leaves first as follows.


Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty



Consuming Raw Moringa Leaves

You can eat raw moringa leaves. However, you should not consume moringa leaves if they exceed four hours after being plucked from the tree. This leaf is easy to ferment, seen from its leaves that quickly wither and yellow. When the leaves become yellow, then the nutrient content will be reduced.


Processing Moringa Leaves Into Tea

The way to process moringa leaves that are often done by ancient people is to brew them like tea. In order to get moringa leaf tea, you must prepare the dried moringa leaf powder.

Here’s how to process moringa leaves into tea:

– Pick fresh and young moringa leaves. It is located near the shoots and is light green.

– Soak the moringa leaves in clean water to clean the dirt that sticks.

– Dry the moringa leaves after washing. To do so, place the moringa leaves on a tray, then store in the open air. It is best not to put moringa leaves in direct sunlight because it can reduce the nutritional content.

– If the moringa leaves are dry, mash or blender until they become a fine powder.

– Store the moringa leaves that have become powdered in a special container. Then it should be put in a cool place in order to eliminate oxidative enzymes that make the powdered moringa leaves unstoreable for long. Moringa leaves can also be durable even without preservatives.

– When wanting to make tea, take 1 or 2 tablespoons of powdered moringa leaves, then brew with hot water. You can add honey if you want a sweeter taste. Consumption of moringa leaf tea in a warm state.


Processing Moringa into Clear Vegetables

In addition to consuming it raw and in tea form, you can also process moringa leaves into clear vegetables. It’s pretty easy. The clear vegetables of moringa also provide a variety of benefits for health and beauty.


Also note the side effects of Moringa leaves

Although the benefits of moringa leaves are diverse, this plant also has side effects that need to be considered. Until now, there is still not much research that mentions the side effects of moringa leaf consumption in the long term. However, experts worry, consuming moringa leaves excessively can cause nausea, diarrhoea, and heartburn or heartburn pain. In addition, the benefits of moringa leaves are also apparently not followed by other parts of the plant. the roots of moringa trees, for example, contain toxic materials. In addition, avoid the consumption of moringa tree extract if you are pregnant and breastfeeding, to prevent its influence on fetuses and babies. If you are taking a supplement containing moringa leaves, make sure it has been registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure its safety. In addition, be aware of the possibility of the appearance of allergic reactions of moringa leaves. Although natural, that doesn’t mean you can use it indiscriminately. Contact your doctor immediately if there are any allergy symptoms such as shortness of breath, itching, and rash after you consume this plant.


These were the some of the Impressive Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Health and Beauty. Do include it in your menu list next time.



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