Health food

10 Healthy Benefits of Peaches

Peach is less popular and not easy to find. However, you should know that the benefits of peaches for health cannot be ignored or taken for granted. Of course, you are familiar with peaches. Yes, this fruit is often processed into sweets. As it turns out, peaches are not only delicious as sweets that tempt the tongue but this one can also help prevent health issues. Shocking, isn’t it? If you happen to see this fruit stock in a large supermarket, feel free to buy it, yes! And yes, here are 10 Healthy Benefits of Peaches, so go ahead and get them soon.


10 Healthy Benefits of Peaches


The peach (Prunus persica) is native to the distant East and is estimated to have been cultivated since 3000 BC. It arrived in Europe through ancient Persia, hence the botanical name to designate the species. In both China and Japan there are many legends related to its fruit, which is a symbol of longevity and immortality. Peaches are also referred to as táo fruit in Chinese and momo in Japanese. Similar to nectarine fruit, peach skin is orange and yellow, golden, fragrant, and there is one hard seed in the middle of the fruit meat.


Nutritional properties of Peach

Peach and nectarine are some of the sweetest fruits, with less calorie (less than 50 Kcal per 100 g of fruit), because most of the weight is water (almost 90%). They do not contain fats and most of the carbohydrates they have are present in the form of fructose, which is assimilated more slowly than other simple sugars.

They have a lot of fibre –mainly if we do not remove the skin–, and also vitamins and minerals. The range of hydrosoluble vitamins (C and Group B) found there is wide, but all are there in quantities similar to other fruits. Peaches also contain –


Vitamin A

Its orange-yellow colour indicates a high content in carotene, a substance that the body is responsible for transforming into vitamin A, essential for good eyesight, skin, hair, mucous membranes and the proper functioning of the immune system. In addition, carotenes are powerful antioxidants.


Potassium and magnesium

They are fruits rich in potassium, which is the mineral that participates in the regulation of the balance of water in the organism, and also in the contraction of the heart and the transmission of the nerve impulse.

In more discreet quantities they also contain magnesium, a mineral that relates to the functioning of the intestine, nerves and muscles and, moreover, is part of the bones and teeth, improves immunity and has mild laxating and soothing effects.


Selenium and Zinc

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, protects the cardiovascular system, promotes the immune system and is linked to protection against certain types of cancer.

Zinc, in addition to being a good antioxidant, intervenes in the maturation of the reproductive organs and plays an important role in immunity.



10 Healthy Benefits of Peaches


Both the skin and the flesh of peaches provide health benefits for the consumer.


10 Healthy Benefits of Peaches


Accelerate wound healing

One peach contains 15 percent of the vitamin C you need each day. These nutrients can help the body heal wounds and keep the immune system strong. Vitamin C can also help eliminate free radicals, a chemical that has been linked to cancer because of its ability to damage the body’s cells.


Preventing anaemia

Lack of blood is a condition caused by a decrease in the amount of red blood cell production in the body. Symptoms can be: Lethargic or limp, easily tired, heart palpitations for no apparent cause, difficulty concentrating, pale face, dizziness and headaches.

The iron content of peaches is high—100 grams of dried peaches contain 6 mg of iron. So peaches can also be consumed to prevent anaemia. But before consuming it, peaches should be dried first. Because one fresh peach contains less than 1 mg of iron. Meanwhile, ten dried peaches that have halved their iron content to about 5.3 mg. Not only iron, but peaches also have a high vitamin C content. As it is known, vitamin C is a substance needed by the body to absorb iron optimally. To be more effective at preventing anaemia, peaches should be consumed in conjunction with red meat, chicken liver, and green vegetables.


Promote digestion

One medium-sized peach offers 9 percent of the daily fibre intake the body needs per day. Foods high in fibre can protect you from health disorders such as diabetes, heart disease, and colon cancer. In addition, sufficient fibre consumption can protect you from constipation.


Better vision

Peach skin colour is derived from beta carotene. If consumed, the body will convert it into vitamin A. Vitamin A is very important to maintain the condition of the retina of the eye and maintain the sharpness of vision.


Good for the nervous system

Peaches are rich in magnesium. This mineral is good for the nervous system and neurotransmitters in the brain. Its consumption proves beneficial to prevent anxiety disorders.


Maintaining the ideal weight

Having a total calorie of less than 60 calories, peaches do not contain saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium. Meanwhile, more than 85 percent of peaches is water. Not only that, peaches high in fibre can help you feel full for longer, so you avoid over-snacking (let alone unhealthy foods).


Maintaining endurance

Peach also contains high quantities of vitamins and zinc. Both are important for strengthening the immune system.


Keeping bones and teeth healthy and strong

Peaches also have high amounts of phosphorus. If this fruit is eaten with other sources of calcium, it will help strengthen bones and teeth, maintain bone density, and prevent osteoporosis in later life. In addition, peaches also contain fluoride. The minerals that can be found in the toothpaste can repel germs in the mouth that can cause perforated teeth.


Good for metabolic processes

Peaches also have a fairly high content of potassium. Potassium is one of the most important electrolytes in the body, and plays important role in various metabolic processes. This compound is important for maintaining bowel movement, heart rhythm, and muscle strength.


Friendly with stomach

If the stomach is in trouble, eating canned peaches may be a good idea. The texture is smooth and soft, the fiber content is lower than when it is fresh, and easy to digest. Included in the list of gastrointestinal soft diet foods (or diets to restore the intestines), canned peaches can help soothe abdominal pain, as well as relieve diarrhea and stomach gas.


Limits perspiration

The slightly acidic quality of the peach gives it astringent properties, and tends to limit perspiration.


Skin Moisturizer

We can also take care of our skin by moisturizing it with a fresh peach cataplasma. It should be applied over the face and left to dry; then rinse and then slightly wipe out the face.


How to choose and preserve peaches


It is advisable to choose the specimens with smooth skin and without stains or bumps on the surface, since they tend to rot easily.When they are ripe, it is advisable to keep them in the fridge separated from other fruits, and never on top of each other, because they would be damaged.

There are scientific studies done specifically with peaches that show that the content of antioxidants is greater in organic fruit than in conventional cultivation. In addition, in order to get the most out of the vitamins and antioxidants of the peaches it is advisable to eat them with skin; and in this case it is essential to acquire them from organic cultivation to avoid ingesting an excess of fruit treatment chemicals.


Finally, don’t forget to also apply a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, as well as take enough rest and you will be fine!


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