
Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus?


You may have encountered claims about Vitamin C these days and that it can help prevent or treat corona disease. In this article, we try to get answers to some questions like what is Vitamin C, how Vitamin C increases the strength of the immune system, What are its benefits and can Vitamin C protect you from coronavirus


Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus?



What is Vitamin C?


Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient for humans and a few other organisms. Many animals can use glucose to synthesize Vitamin C, but humans can only get it from food. Vitamin C is usually found only in plant foods, animal foods are basically free of vitamin C, and all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits are the main source.

Frequent intake of vitamin C accelerates the healing of bones, tendons, improves our health condition and significantly reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. 

Finally, Vitamin C is very important for a strong immune system. A study proved that vitamin C helps not only for faster healing, but also for building the defenses of our organism. Doctors recommend its regular intake to strengthen the immune system, as well as to prevent viruses and colds. The reason the vitamin is so useful for our body is that it plays a role in the response of white blood cells and antibodies to infections, bacteria and viruses



Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus? 


In theory, people can get enough vitamin C from food. However, if you choose too few foods that contain vitamin C in your daily diet, you may not be able to get enough vitamin C from your food to meet your needs. Other habits can also lead to the loss of vitamin C in food. Vitamin C is water-soluble, which is lost when rinsed and soaked; Vitamin C is easily oxidized and cannot be stored for long periods of time; Vitamin C is not resistant to high temperatures, and excessive heating temperatures or long periods of time can result in significant losses.



Food sources for Vitamin C


The best food sources mainly include: pears, fresh dates, kiwis and so on; Good food sources include: chili peppers, bitter melons, citrus, tomatoes, cauliflower, strawberries, lychees, green leafy vegetables and so on; General food sources include: cabbage, celery, asparagus, pumpkin, pear, apple, banana, peach, cherry and so on.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the body that plays several roles in the human body, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that kills unstable compounds in your body called free radicals  and keeps the body’s cells safe from free radical damage or repairs damage.

Vitamin C plays a role in many of the body’s chemical reactions, many of which are related to the immune system.

The daily body’s need for vitamin C in normal people is 90 mg per day, which should be increased by 30 mg in breastfeeding mothers, and in smokers the need for vitamin C is twice higher than in normal people.

It’s very easy to meet your body’s daily need for vitamin C through diet, as long as you use enough fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.


Does Vitamin C affect your immune system?


Vitamin C has several effects on your immune system and strengthens its function, and Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties reduce inflammation that can affect immune function.

Vitamin C helps maintain the health of your skin as the first barrier of defense against other external factors such as microbes by speeding up collagen production in the skin, in addition to helping to speed up the healing of skin ulcers.

Vitamin C also increases the activity of the immune system Phagocytosis, a process in which a person’s immune cells attack external agents and surround them and then swallow and destroy them

Vitamin C also increases the growth and activity of blood lymphocytes, lymphocytes are a group of immune cells that kill germs in the body by producing certain proteins.



Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus? 


In a study on the effect of vitamin C on common viruses such as colds, it was found that vitamin C alone cannot prevent you from contracting colds, but it can help you improve your symptoms faster and reduce symptoms.

There is other evidence that taking vitamin C in animals and high doses of vitamin C used intravenously in humans reduces lung inflammation in respiratory infections such as H1N1 flu.

However, more research is needed on high doses of vitamin C and its impact on respiratory infections such as corona, flu and colds.

After understanding the many benefits of vitamins, many people want to take vitamin C every day. In fact, eating too much vitamin C can also have serious consequences. Remember that you should not use high doses of vitamin C orally without a doctor or nutritionist’s prescription because it can cause problems such as kidney stones or diarrhea. 



Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus?

Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus?


Reasons to take vitamin C regularly


Regular intake of vitamin C not only strengthens the immune system, but also favorably affects our metabolism and mood.

It helps combat depression, anxiety and stress. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant. Its intake balances our body and helps improve the mood and overall condition of our body.

Increases iron absorption Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency in the human body. Its lack in the blood leads to reduced agility and incessant fatigue. Research proves that vitamin C seriously enhances iron absorption. It stores the non-heme iron, which is found in food and converts it into a form that is easily absorbed by the body.

Contributes to the improvement of metabolism. Vitamin C also participates in the activity of protein metabolism.

It regenerates antioxidants and limits the harmful effects of free radicals.

It also helps our body to degrade food in a more qualitative way.

Vitamin C helps our body to discard toxins and to function as well as possible. This is how we have the energy needed to fight the harmful external factors.

Assists collagen formation collagen helps protect your skin by protecting us from environmental toxins.

It is also responsible for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, gums and teeth.

Without enough vitamins, our body does not form the necessary amount of collagen and can not recover quickly enough from injury.


Precautions for dietary supplementation of Vitamin C


1. Choose some food ingredients rich in vitamin C, such as chili peppers, bitter melons, citrus, tomatoes, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, etc.

2. Reduce the heating of cooked food, it is best to choose raw food. This can avoid the loss of vitamin C in the cooking process, the need to heat the cooking food to control the temperature and time of heating, such as the use of water cold mix, quick frying and other cooking methods to reduce the loss of vitamin C;

3. It is best to eat the dishes immediately after cooking, in order to reduce the residual temperature of the dishes further heating and reheating the damage to vitamin C;

4. If you can’t get enough vitamin C in your daily diet, you need to take vitamin C supplements, and you should also pay attention to your daily intake. 


The effect of vitamin C consumption on prevention and treatment of corona


In a study conducted in China, the Shanghai Physicians Association of China confirmed high doses of vitamin C as a treatment for corona patients hospitalized.

It was observed that high doses of vitamin C, which are used intravenously in the treatment of corona patients, may help patients reduce their need for respiratory tracts.

In addition, a study conducted in 2019 found that high doses of vitamin C, whether orally or injected in patients admitted to the ICU, reduced the length of stay in the ICU by 8% and reduced the need for respiratory tracts by 18%.

However, due to little evidence to express the effect of vitamin C in the treatment of corona disease, vitamin C administration is not considered as part of the treatment process and requires further studies and evidence in this regard.

Although high doses of vitamin C are used intravenously in some patients as a side treatment for Corona, there is still no evidence that high doses of vitamin C are effective orally in the treatment of corona disease, however the use of high doses of this vitamin orally can cause complications such as diarrhea.


Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus?

Can Vitamin C Protect You From Coronavirus?


Do I need vitamin C supplements to prevent and treat corona?


Currently, there is no evidence that vitamin C supplementation is effective in preventing corona. Vitamin C can reduce the duration of the disease caused by the cold and flu virus, but it is not possible to say definitively that it has the same effect in the case of the coronavirus.

In addition, vitamin C is water soluble, which means that excess amounts of vitamin C dissolve in water and are excreted through urine, in other words, taking more amounts of vitamin C does not mean increasing the storage of vitamin C in the body, and this vitamin is not stored in the body, but its excess amounts are excreted from the body.

Vitamin C is not very effective in oral doses, and the doses that are effective in the treatment of corona are very high and are only used intravenously and in severe cases of corona disease that lead to hospitalization.

Therefore, the best way to provide the vitamin C you need to strengthen your immune system and prevent corona is to make adequate use of fruit and vegetable sources in your daily diet to meet your daily need for vitamin C and many other nutrients.


Choosing the right vitamin C supplement


If you would like to take a vitamin C supplement, it is very important to choose a quality brand and use the right dose of vitamin C.

It should also be noted that vitamin C interferes with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

If you have concerns about taking vitamin C, you can consult a doctor about taking it.




Vitamin C is an essential substance for the body that helps strengthen your immune system. According to a study conducted in Shanghai, high doses of vitamin C injected intravenously have positive effects on improving lung function in patients with corona. However, there is still no evidence that vitamin C consumption is beneficial orally in the treatment of corona disease. To ensure you get enough vitamin C, you should use different fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

Although there is currently no cure for corona, preventive measures such as social distancing, following hygiene and having a proper diet can help you prevent corona.


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