
How Can You Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally?

Osteoporosis or Bone Loss is one of the diseases that should not be overlooked by anyone, elderly people in particular. The age factor is indeed the main cause of bone loss. However, in this day and age osteoporosis not only affects the elderly but is also found in younger people. This is due to the changing lifestyle and irregular diet that affect the cells of the body, especially the bones. So, how can you prevent osteoporosis naturally?

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How Can You Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally?

Bone is one of the most important organs of man, therefore we must really take care and maintain its health. Having strong bones is an important investment for the future. Bone loss is one of the consequences of poor maintainance of bone health. Bone health is very important and should be maintained at any cost because bones are the supporting organs of the human body.

To find out if you have osteoporosis, recognize the below symptoms that commonly occur in people with bone loss / osteoporosis:

  •  feel pain in the back and waist
  •  lose your height
  •  Abnormalities in the shape of the spine such as kyphosis (roundback or hunchback)
  •  The posture of the foot begins to bend usually shaped like an O shape

Osteoporosis can occur in any of your bones, but the most common in the wrists, hips, and spine.

Well the question is, how do we take care of our bone health? Here are 5 important tips to keep bones healthy

1. Eat foods that contain a lot of calcium

The first way to keep bones healthy is to eat foods that contain a lot of calcium, an important nutrient for repairing fractures and maintaining strong bones. Indeed calcium is the main element to maintain strong bones. Each person is recommended to consume 1000 or 1200 mg of calcium per day. Calcium can be obtained from dark green vegetables, yogurt, cheese and various foods containing cheese, milk and all its products, sardines and other fish that can usually be eaten with its bones, cereals, orange juice, soybeans and all its products, and bread containing whole grains.

2. Meet the needs of Vitamin D

The next way to keep the bones from getting damaged is to meet the needs of Vitamin D.To get vitamin D, simply expose yourself to sunlight for 10 to 20 minutes daily. If it is difficult to get out of the house, you can get vitamin D from oily fish such as salmon and tuna, cod liver oil and orange juice.

3. Stay active to keep bones strong

The next way to keep bones healthy is to have an active lifestyle. Some recommended exercises are weight training, fast walking, climbing stairs, yoga, dancing and racquet sports. Only 30 to 45 minutes of any of the above activities will meet your daily exercise needs.

4. Knowing the Risk Level of Osteoporosis

The next way to keep bones healthy is regularly do a bone scan to find out your bone health to know the risk levels of Osteoporosis It is recommended to investigate the family history of having experienced fractures due to osteoporosis. Prevention is Better Than Cure!

5. Discard Bad Habits

The other way to keep bones from getting weak is to put a stop to all your bad habits. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol because it is harmful to bone density. If you smoke, you may lose bones faster and the risk of fractures is higher than those who do not smoke. Drinking alcohol can contribute to bone loss. Avoid having too much caffeine. These habits can reduce the amount of calcium you absorb.

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Below are the Best Foods you can add to your menu to prevent bone loss

How Can You Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally?

Dairy products:

It is common knowledge that dairy products are the best source of calcium that should be well consumed to prevent bone loss. Some dairy products rich in calcium are cheese, milk, yogurt and many more. Cow’s milk is an all time favorite when it comes to calcium, but if you are allergic to milk, soy milk is a calcium-rich option.


Fiber content in the cereals is needed by the body to support the digestive process in the body. But not only rich in fiber, cereal is also a good source of magnesium and minerals to maintain bone health.

Black beans:

If you are looking for ways to strengthen bones, look for reasons to eat black beans. They are another good source of magnesium, minerals that are important for healing the skeleton faster.


The next bone-loss prevention food is egg. Not only rich in calcium, eggs also contain vitamin B6, B12 and also good folic acid to prevent bone loss. Not only that, eggs are also the best muscle-forming food.

Green vegetables:

The next tip to prevent bone loss is to consume green vegetables. Almost everyone knows that vegetables are the best food to maintain health. nutritionists recommend eating green vegetables with the right amount in each day. Besides being useful to maintain health, green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, parsley and kale are rich in iron and calcium which can help to keep bones and teeth strong.


Generally there are several types of nuts that can be consumed by every human being and almost all types of nuts have a very important role in maintaining the health of the body. for example walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids that are good for brain intelligence and almonds and peanuts are rich in calcium. Calcium content in these nuts can meet your daily calcium needs.

Green and Red peppers:

Sweet bell peppers, especially red peppers, are high in vitamin C, an important nutrient for collagen formation and crucial when it comes to bone regeneration, 1/2 cup of bell pepper actually has more vitamin C than an orange.


Calcium only works if you get it with vitamin D, and fatty fish like tuna and salmon happen to be a good source. Salmon and Tuna are high in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, they also play a role in the formation of collagen. Sardines are a rich source of calcium.


Bone is a vital human organ. As we age our bones become thinner and brittle without adequate nutrition and regular exercise. No matter how old you are, you should always be active, eat healthy food and keep your bones healthy.

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