Health food

Amazing Health Benefits Of Blackberries

Blackberry fruit not only has a delicious taste, but is also rich in many important nutrients. It is blackish purple in colour and the taste of this fruit is sweet and slightly sour. The main properties of blackberry are due to the presence of various nutrients and important compounds in it. Fresh blackberries can be consumed directly or processed into food and beverages. Here are some amazing health benefits of blackberries.

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Amazing Health Benefits Of Blackberries

Blackberry has vitamins A, E, B, C, antioxidants, iron, protein, energy, magnesium, calcium, potassium and manganese. These minerals increase the body’s resistance to microbe attack. On the other hand, antioxidants in this fruit protect the body from diseases like cancer. Many of the carbohydrates in blackberries come from simple carbohydrates, namely fructose, sucrose, and glucose. However, there are also complex carbohydrates that are digested slowly so they have less effect on blood sugar. This fruit also contains soluble and insoluble fiber which is good for digestive health.

With a variety of nutrients in it, here are the benefits of blackberries for health,

Lower cholesterol

Research shows that the anthocyanins in blackberries, can reduce the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol by up to 50%. This results in a significant reduction in the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

High in fiber

Not getting enough fiber has been linked to digestive problems, such as bloating, constipation and upset stomach, and can even increase your risk of heart disease. However, the high fiber content in blackberries can help with regular bowel movements, control blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol, lose weight by making you feel full for longer, and provide intake for good bacteria in the intestines so that it is beneficial for maintaining healthy digestion.

Blackberries are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C and manganese.

Weight loss

Weight loss and obesity prevention are among the benefits of the blackberry fruit. It play a major role in contributing to weight loss, especially if its intake is accompanied by exercise and a diet low in fat content. Blackberry contributes to reducing an amount of 0.9 kilograms per month, if you keep taking it regularly for at least a period of six months

Helps fight cancer cells

The anthocyanins in blackberries have antioxidant properties that can help fight tumor cell growth. In addition, these berries also contain flavonoid chemical compounds which are believed to be able to fight skin cancer and lung cancer. Although reports of allergies to this fruit are rare, blackberries contain several allergens. When an allergic reaction occurs, you may experience hives, rash, runny nose, watery eyes, a tingling sensation on the face, etc. However, most cases of allergies are mild and tend to go away on their own. Antihistamines may be needed to relieve symptoms.

Strengthens bones

Blackberries meet 32% of the daily requirement of vitamin K. This vitamin is used by the body to produce protein for healthy bones. Even vitamin K can also help strengthen bones so as to prevent osteoporosis. Meanwhile, a deficiency of vitamin K can lead to thinning and fractures. You need to know that the manganese in blackberries is also important for bone development.

Source of Vitamin C

Blackberries are so rich in vitamin C that they even meet half of the recommended daily requirement on its own. Vitamin C can help increase endurance, heal wounds, regenerate skin, fight free radicals, help absorb iron, relieve colds, and prevent scurvy. Several studies have also shown that vitamin C can help reduce the formation of cancer-causing substances in the body. Not only that, vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant that can reduce oxidative stress that causes cancer.

Improve Brain health

According to some studies, eating blackberries can improve brain health and help prevent memory loss due to aging. The antioxidants in these berries can help fight free radicals and change the way brain neurons communicate. Additionally, it can help reduce brain inflammation which can lead to cognitive and motor problems.

Cold Treatment

Treatment of respiratory spasms is one of the benefits of the blackberry herb. It relieves some of the symptoms of respiratory spasms, such as respiratory distress, coughing, wheezing, etc. Blackberry is believed to have a role in treating the symptoms of certain diseases, such as colds, influenza, nasal congestion, fever and allergies.

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Other Benefits

Blackberry has antibacterial and disinfectant properties, so it prevents many dangerous diseases and actually protects the body.

Tannins in blackberries prevent bleeding and increase blood vessel resistance.

Compounds in this fruit prevent early aging. Antioxidants help to keep cells young.

Blackberries roots and leaves are also used, as the blackberry leaves contain tannins and flavonoid acids in addition to gallic acid. It is interesting to know that boiling blackberry leaves can be used to treat toothache. To prepare this mixture, first boil 60 grams of blackberry tree leaves in one liter of water and then let it cool. You can use this to gargle your mouth. 

Blackberry leaves are used to tighten the gums if its leaves are chewed.

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