
Healthy foods to eat during pregnancy

When pregnant, mothers must always remember that they eat not only for themselves but also for the baby in the womb. During pregnancy, the demand for energy and nutrients is higher than usual, because this need is not only to provide for the body’s development, but also changes in the mother’s physiology such as changes in metabolism, weight, increase in volume of uterus, breasts etc… Having a healthy, nutritious diet is one of the prerequisites for fetal development. Therefore, it is really necessary to add knowledge about maintaining the health of pregnant women. The following article will summarize for you some healthy foods to eat during pregnancy.

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Healthy foods to eat during pregnancy

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Vegetables are a golden ingredient for the mother’s health and safety for the development of the fetus. To mention some important nutrients that vegetables bring such as: calcium, beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, fiber… One of the important things for babies when mothers eat a lot of vegetables is when they are born without them. are underweight, malnourished, or have neural tube problems. Above all, pregnant women who are afraid of excessive weight gain, green vegetables will help “control” very well.

The vegetables that pregnant women should eat regularly are: celery, artichokes, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, lotus roots, carrots etc..

Essential food for pregnant women and babies.

Milk and dairy products

This must be said to be one of the foods that plays the most important role in a pregnant woman’s diet. Milk will provide calcium, protein, vitamin D, DHA. And support the baby’s development process as well as help pregnant mothers be healthier both during and after birth.

Currently, there are many types of milk specifically for pregnant women in the market. Mothers can choose fresh milk depending on their taste. Besides, eat more yogurt or milk smoothies to not get bored. One suggestion is that you should use yogurts with many nutrients such as Greek yogurt.

Salmon and Lean meat

Salmon is one of the best foods for pregnant women and babies as it contains many nutritional elements including: omega 3 fats, protein and vitamins, lots of DHA. Eating salmon also has the ability to prevent mercury and PCB poisoning extremely well. You can process fish into many delicious dishes such as: braised salmon, pan-fried salmon, salmon salad etc..

With lean meat, mothers can choose chicken because this is an extremely rich source of protein. Besides, it also contains iron, calcium, vitamins A, B1, D and E. This is also one of the common sources of ingredients, so mothers can process it into many different dishes, changing their daily tastes.


Nuts are also one of the good foods for pregnant women, especially for the cognitive development of children, IQ and attention. Some studies have shown that eating a lot of nuts helps children reduce the risk of allergies later in life.
The best nuts for pregnant women are: almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, walnuts, chia seeds, lotus seeds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts etc.. you can grind the seeds. and drink it every day. Or add in dishes. You can also choose dried, seasoned products to avoid boredom. When you are hungry, you can bring snacks, which is also a way for mothers not to be “obese” during pregnancy.
However, pregnant women should consult their doctors before adding nuts to their diet.



At the end of the list, it is impossible not to mention fruits. Although contributing a “small part” in the daily meal, it has a great effect on pregnant women and children. Fruit is known for its high vitamin and mineral content. It supports the development of vision, cells, neural tube and digestive system for the fetus. Unlike nuts, the more nutritional supplements from fruits, the better the effect for mother and baby.

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Here are some foods good for the baby’s brain development

1. Walnuts

It is an extremely rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially high in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is one of the main substances in the structure of nerve cells and vision. During pregnancy, DHA from the mother is transported across the placenta, providing raw materials for the structure of the brain and eyes of the fetus. DHA in pregnancy is mainly provided from external food. Besides, walnuts also help reduce hunger thanks to the starch content in them.

2. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and good for the stomach. Mushrooms also help stop bleeding and moisten and nourish the brain. During pregnancy, eating a lot of mushrooms, will help support the reproduction process and help heal wounds.

3. Cabbage

Cabbage is not only very good for pregnant women but also beneficial for the brain development of the fetus. Cabbage contains a lot of healthy fats for the brain. It not only helps to enhance the development of the fetus as well as the intellectual development of the child later, but cabbage is also very beneficial for the health of the mother.

4. Bananas

Pregnant women who eat bananas daily will provide enough potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6 to their bodies. These are substances that help support the development of the fetal nervous system, avoiding spina bifida and fetal deformities.
The addition of potassium helps protect the heart and plays a role in the formation of vascular tissues. Therefore, pregnant women should eat bananas every day to ensure the health of the fetus.

5. Eggs

Eggs contain many amino acids, lectins, calcium etc.. which are beneficial for brain development. However, because eggs are difficult to digest, pregnant women should only eat eggs in moderation. Avoid eating too much to avoid indigestion.

6. Peanuts

Doctors believe that peanuts have many effects such as laxatives, anti-cough, and are good for the stomach. However, you should not eat more than 10 seeds because eating too much will easily cause abdominal distension. If pregnant women persist in eating for a long time, the baby will be born very intelligent. In addition, eating peanuts regularly also helps mothers’ milk to be secreted regularly.

7. Apples

Apples are not only rich in zinc and trace elements, but also rich in fats, carbohydrates, other vitamins and nutrients, especially rich in fiber, which is beneficial for the edges of the fetal cerebral cortex to develop, and good for baby’s memory in the later stages.

Pregnant women should eat 1-2 apples a day to supplement zinc.

8. Fish

Regular use of fish oil in the last 3 months of pregnancy helps promote the brain development of the baby. This time is very important for the development of the eyes and brain so do not skip the beneficial fish oils such as salmon oil, fresh tuna, herring, mackerel and sardines. You can also change the menu with 1-2 meals of fish per week, but be careful not to eat too much because some types of fish contain mercury. Fish is also rich in omega-3 which is very beneficial for the brain development of children.

During pregnancy, mothers need to drink enough water about 1.5-2 liters per day. Soft drinks with high sugar content should not be consumed. Reduce your intake of spices such as chili, pepper, garlic, and vinegar.

The article is for reference only and is not a substitute for diagnosis or treatment.

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