Health food

11 Health Benefits of Carom (Ajwain) seeds

Carom seeds are one of the power packed seeds that we rarely hear about. They are sometimes classified as a type of spice. The benefits of carom seeds are endless. In this article, we list down 11 Health Benefits of Carom (Ajwain) seeds

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11 Health Benefits of Carom (Ajwain) seeds

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What are Carom Seeds?

Carom seeds look very similar to cummin seeds, and they are brown in color and are small in size.  They are also called as Bishop weeds or Ajwain in some countries.

Carom seeds contain many different nutrients such as dietary fiber and carbohydrates, as well as protein.

In addition, carom seeds contain many minerals that are beneficial to the health of the body, such as phosphorous, iron and calcium.

It also contains other compounds such as saponins, flavones and antioxidants that have a significant role in health.

Carom seeds can be consumed raw or in powder form.

Carom seeds are also known for their content of effective essential oils such as thymol, limonene, and others, which have a significant role in their health benefits.

What are the benefits of Carom seeds?

The benefits of carom seeds are multiple, as they greatly strengthen the immune system, and help in losing weight and regulating and improving the digestion process significantly.

Carom seeds also reduce acidity and help promote a healthy respiratory system and protect it from disease.

Carom seeds also help in reducing toothache and inflammation, regulate blood cholesterol, and reduce headaches. It also works well in regulating blood pressure and promoting kidney health.

Here are 11 Health Benefits of Carom (Ajwain) seeds :

1. Reduces cholesterol in the blood

Carom seeds are one of the best foods that reduce cholesterol in the blood due to its content of unsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. And they are fats that have a significant role in reducing cholesterol.

The content of carom seeds from dietary fiber works to reduce cholesterol and balance it.

It protects the heart from the effects of clots and atherosclerosis.

2. Promotes Kidney health

Carom seeds have a great role in promoting kidney health. It contains many antioxidants that protect against kidney failure. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent kidney infections.

Studies and research have proven that eating carom seeds greatly cleanses the kidneys and prevents stones from appearing.

3. Promotes Respiratory health

Carom seeds promote respiratory health

Studies and research have proven that carom seeds play great role in reducing infections and fighting microbes that affect the respiratory system.

This is due to the fact that it contains thymol, a substance that fights microbes and infections, reduces asthma symptoms and prevents cold and flu.

It also works to reduce the accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract and treat allergies.

4. Helps reduce High blood pressure

Carom seeds are one of the best ways to reduce high blood pressure, as they block calcium channels.

It is a mechanism by which some blood pressure medications work, and therefore carrom works to reduce high blood pressure and protect the heart, arteries and blood vessels from its damage.

You can add carom seeds as a spice to food or drink carom water boiled daily to reduce high blood pressure.

5. Improves the Digestive system

Carom seeds play a major role in promoting the health of the digestive system, regulating the secretion of gastric juices and optimal digestion of food. In addition, carom seeds also reduce bloating, abdominal pain, cramps and gas.

Carom seeds have a great role in reducing inflammation and ulcers that affect the stomach.

6. Helps reduce Inflammation

Carom seeds are one of the best seeds that reduce inflammation, swelling and redness in a significant and effective way.

Studies and research have proven that eating carom seeds reduces joint inflammation, and reduces swelling, redness and pain.

In addition, carom seeds have a significant role in reducing inflammation and swelling caused by gout.

Also, carom seeds soaked has a significant role in reducing skin infections significantly.

7. Helps in reducing Toothache

The essential oils in carom seeds have a great role in reducing toothache effectively and significantly.

It also reduces infections that affect the gums and teeth and makes the mouth healthy and free of diseases.

8. Strengthens the Immune system

Carom seeds strengthen the immune system

Carom seeds contain many antioxidants that work to protect the body from many damages that may affect it, as antioxidants neutralize many free radicals and other elements that lead to the emergence of various diseases, including cancer.

In addition, the essential oils contained in carom seeds, such as thymol and limonene, strengthen immunity by fighting microbes and foreign bodies that enter the body.

9. Aids in Weight loss

Carom seeds are one of the best seeds that help in losing weight as it stimulates the metabolism process and gets rid of excess fat in the body.

Carom seeds also contain an good amount of dietary fiber that works to make you feel full for a longer period of time and reduce the appetite.

Carom seeds also stimulate the digestion and absorption of food, which helps in weight loss.

10. Provides relief from Pain and Headaches

One of the known uses of carom seeds is that it greatly reduces and prevents headaches.

It contains a large amount of thymol, which works to provide relief from pain, reduce headaches and calm the head.

All you have to do is crush the carom seeds well and apply them in the form of compresses on the head and you will feel better immediately.

11. Body Detoxification

Consumption of carom seed tea can help cleanse the body of toxins. Thus, it can reduce many skin and health related problems.

It helps to purify the blood and improve blood flow in the body.

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Points to Note when using Carom seeds :

Don’t over consume as it may lead to vomiting, headaches, nausea and allergies.

Store in a dry place away from sunlight.

If you suffer from any major illness, please consult your doctor before consuming it.

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