Health food

5 Foods low in calorie but high in Nutrition

Are you worried about accumulating fat every time you eat?
It’s a good idea to choose foods that are low in calories and high in nutrition without worrying about calories. Today, I’ll introduce you to 5 Foods low in calorie but high in Nutrition that will help you get healthier.


5 Foods low in calorie but high in Nutrition


1. Orange


5 Foods low in calorie but high in Nutrition
Oranges provide 70% of the vitamin C you need per day. The high amount of vitamin C it contains strengthens the immune system and helps with toxic substances in the body. It supports maintaining physical fitness.

It helps improve liver function by helping to produce glutathione.


Oranges are a good source of potassium. High potassium intake can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Orange contains hesperidin and pectin. These substances lower cholesterol. The other main fibres of oranges are cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Fibre is associated with many beneficial health effects, including good digestive health, weight loss and cholesterol.
Orange prevents diabetes and protects the health of the digestive system. Orange also protects against heart disease and stroke.
In addition to all of the above, orange reduces the risk of cancer. Vitamin C in orange protects cells from damage caused by free radicals and prevents the formation of various cases of cancer.
Orange has a very important place in skin health. It protects the vitality of the skin thanks to the content of vitamin C.  


Calories per 100g of oranges – contain about 40 calories.


2. Celery

5 Foods low in calorie but high in Nutrition



Celery is the best low-calorie food available. It is known as minus calories because it helps burn calories. Celery includes vitamins A, K, folic acid, protein, calcium, potassium, etc. It also contains abundant dietary fibre, beta-carotene, flavanoid and a large number of antioxidant compounds and enzymes.

Regular consumption can help prevent cancer.

Celery contains water and electrolyte in 95%, which is vital for cellular functions and hydration. Mix freshly squeezed celery juice with coconut juice, which is also rich in electrolytes, so that your body gets water after a long flight or food poisoning. This special drink is more useful in the markets than sports drinks.
Celery is also a great source of plant nutrients that have been shown to reduce inflammation of the digestive tract, cells, blood vessels and organs.
Omega 6 in celery gives the skin, shine and elasticity. In addition, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, which are rich in celery, contribute to the nutrition of the skin. Reduces the appearance of white spots on the surface of the skin and prevents their formation.

It is said that 100 g celery contains only 12 calories.


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3. Apples


5 Foods low in calorie


Apple is an important source of vitamins A, E, B6, C, K, as well as water containing large amounts of potassium and various minerals.
Apples are rich in dietary fibre and moisture which helps in the digestion process. Regular consumption of apple ensures proper bowel movements and prevents constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other stomach problems. Fibre also stimulates the release of gastric and digestive juices to ensure effective absorption of nutrients.
Apple contains pectin, a type of fibre that acts as a probiotic. Apples stimulate metabolism in the digestive tract and stimulate good bacteria in the gut. This probiotic effect improves health by removing harmful bacteria and toxins by increasing the intake of nutrients.
Apples reduces the risk of diabetes. Eating apples at least once a day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.
It protects against Parkinson’s disease. Thanks to the high fibre content, it reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease by preventing nerve cell damage.
Apple reduces the rate of development of many cancers. Its antioxidants and phenolic compounds reduce the risk of lung, pancreatic and prostate cancer.


Contains 55 calories per 100g of apples.


4. Watermelon


5 Foods low in calorie

Juicy watermelons are good to eat regularly in summer.


Watermelon not only supplies vitamins A, B6, C, but also provides antioxidants and is rich in the substance lycopene and contains potassium.
92 per cent of the watermelon composition consists of water. At the same time, thanks to the content of electrolytes, it is considered one of the healthiest snacks we can consume to prevent water loss in our body.
Watermelon allows to reduce the accumulation of fat in fat cells that produce citrulline. Citrulline is an amino acid that helps increase arginine flux and is good for the kidneys. Watermelon burns excess fat and with it ensures weight loss.
Watermelon, which helps retinal pigment in the eyes and helps prevent vision loss due to ageing, is also useful in preventing night blindness because it is rich in beta-carotene.
Watermelon, which helps prevent constipation due to fibre content as well as water, promotes the regularity of a healthy digestive system.

It has been noted that watermelon juice plays an important role in lowering blood pressure in obese people with hypertension.


Watermelon is the perfect vitamin agent for our hair and skin thanks to the vitamins A and C it contains. Thanks to the high content of water and vitamin A needed for the production of sebum that moisturizes the hair, it makes the skin more vivid and beautiful. Vitamin C also helps to produce collagen, a protein that makes the skin healthy, supple and strong skin cells, as well as repair cells.


100g of watermelon contains about 30 calories.


5. Broccoli


5 Foods low in calorie but high in Nutrition

Broccoli is one of the cruciferous vegetables. 


The more you consume, the better your health.


Broccoli is very rich in vitamin K which is extremely beneficial for our bones. Vitamin K helps to improve bone health by reducing the absorption of calcium in the body, as well as the secretion of calcium in the urine. For this reason, be sure to add broccoli to your diet to prevent your bones from weakening and rupturing.
Broccoli protects against chronic diseases. It prevents cancer, diabetes, asthma and heart disease and reduces mortality from these diseases.
Magnesium and vitamins in broccoli improve acidity, facilitate proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, relieve the stomach by reducing inflammation. The Kaempferol compound in broccoli helps to maintain healthy levels of bacteria in the gut and maintain a healthy gastric mucosa.
Broccoli is rich in vitamin K and holin. It increases the activity of neurons and strengthens memory. It also protects against Alzheimer’s disease and many nerve degeneration diseases using sulforaphane.
Broccoli containing vitamin C  protects your skin from the sun and pollution from the environment. It improves the overall texture of the skin and helps to reduce wrinkles. This is because vitamin C helps to create collagen, the main protective system of the skin. Broccoli also offers vitamins A and E, both of which are useful for the skin.
Broccoli is also useful for hair health. Vitamins C, E, A, K, B6, B2 are effective against strengthening hair follicles and hair loss. In addition to these vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium are included.

Broccoli contains 29 calories per 100g. 


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