Health food

Amazing Health Benefits of Honey

The most useful substitute for sugar, a proven adversary of cellulite and colds, a source of beauty and health, Honey, also referred to as ‘The Nectar of the Gods’ is one of the oldest natural sweeteners. Honey is very healthy! Not only is it tasty, but also has a lot of health benefits. Below you will read about some Amazing Health Benefits of Honey.

Is honey healthy? Benefits of honey


What is the composition of honey?


Honey contains vitamins B, N, C, K, Folic and pantothenic acid, chlorine, zinc and some rare elements needed by the body: aluminium, boron, chromium, lithium, nickel, lead, titanium, Osmium. In the composition of human blood enter 24 Microelements, 22 of which are present in honey. It also has iron, phosphorus and other mineral substances necessary for bone growth and for the production of red blood cells. Its composition is mainly fruit and grape sugar. Unlike sucrose, they are fully absorbed by our organism.

It has been scientifically proven to be an effective agent against the bacterium streptococcus pyogenes. This bacterium species is the cause of strep throat. For this you can add a tablespoon of honey in warm water or warm milk, stir equally well and then take the mix.

Honey counteracts the growth of the helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter pylori makes a major contribution to almost all forms of ulcer. Except that it counteracts the growth of this bacterium, it does not attack the other good bacteria, unlike antibiotics.


Honey contains Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria


The different types of honey contain 6 types of Lactobacilli and 4 types of Bifidobacteria, which explains their therapeutic and curative properties.

Lactobacilli are rod-shaped bacteria that convert lactose and other sugars into lactic acid. Although they are associated with foods like yoghurt, cheeses, beer, wine, cider and other fermentable foods and beverages, they are also contained in honey. It gives it its anticancer and antitumor properties of probiotics, and it is conducive to the immune system by increasing protection even to antibiotic-resistant Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis.

But in addition to stimulation of the immune system, quality honey also improves blood sugar control. Of central importance for the optimum metabolism during sleep and sports, is what the liver is “charged”. For the liver there is no better fuel than honey – it contains fructose and glucose in relation to almost 1:1. Fructose “unlocks” an enzyme of liver cells needed to incorporate glucose into glycogen – the form in which sugar is stored in the liver and some muscle cells. Optimum levels of glycogen reserves guarantee normal brain function.

In glycogen stores, the body releases stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisol, which turn the muscle proteins into glucose. This metabolic stress accumulates over time and harms muscle strength and sugar metabolism, resulting in insulin resistance, diabetes and a highly elevated risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease. All these woes can be avoided, if you include honey in your daily diet or if it replaces sugar in your coffee, tea and other drinks.


Amazing Health Benefits of Honey
Amazing Health Benefits of Honey


Amazing Health Benefits of Honey


Honey has been used as a natural type of medicine for centuries. It was used to treat wounds and protect against bacteria. Even today, honey is used extensively because of its healing properties.

Drink honey with lemon and warm water to strengthen your immune defences. The extra honey dose can improve your immune system and make you less susceptible to infections. This is due to the contained antioxidants and beneficial substances with antibacterial properties. Drink one glass in the morning for a healthy start of the day.

If you love to sweeten your coffee or tea, better replace the spoonful of sugar with honey. Honey has a high content of sugars, but is useful, unlike industrial sugar. It contains a combination of fructose and glucose. This makes it a high energy product which gives you a burst of energy. The other positive side in this aspect is that it retains the tide of energy for a longer time than a piece of chocolate. A toast with honey loads as much ras two chocolates. So a spoonful of it is ideal before you start exercising. It is very useful for athletes.

A tablespoon of honey on wounds helps to heal them faster and better (even large and severe wounds can be cured by this). It naturally has an antibacterial effect. In addition, it also contains an enzyme that comes from the bees. This is the enzyme glucose-oxydase. This converts the glucose into hydrogen peroxide and D-glucono-δ-lactone. Hydrogen peroxide is converted into oxygen and water by means of catalysis. The hydrogen peroxide is disinfecting and destroys the bacteria on the wound. This process occurs when it becomes diluted by the wound fluid. However, it is important that it is refreshed twice a day.

Honey is also used in cosmetics. The antioxidants contained in it are also useful for the skin. The substances of honey make it softer, more elastic and healthy.

Some research suggests that honey helps if you want to lose weight. When combined, honey with warm water, you can improve the process of digestion and degradation of fat. Honey is a good taste substitute for the sweet, which is so filling. One spoon of honey is enough to satisfy the craving for a sweet. Choose a spoon of honey!


Honey as medicine?


Honey has been used in medicine for thousands of years to treat a variety of diseases. A number of studies and evidence suggest that treating stomach reflux with honey can relieve sore throat and reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.

Honey has been used in medicine for thousands of years to treat a variety of diseases. A number of studies and evidence suggest that treating stomach reflux with honey can relieve sore throat and reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.


Amazing Health Benefits of Honey



What does drinking honey do?


Honey has been used as a drug since ancient times. The exact benefit depends on the type of honey the patient uses. Unpasteurized raw honey provides most of the health benefits, nutrients and enzymes. Because honey is rich in antioxidants, these can help protect you from cell damage caused by free radicals.

Honey also has certain antibacterial and antiviral properties. Raw honey not only kills bacteria and fungi, but also contains natural disinfectants. Honey can also help with digestive problems such as diarrhoea and stomach ulcers.

In addition, vitamin C, B, E, K, sugar, zinc, potassium and other nutrients in honey are also beneficial to health, help to speed up the digestive process, reduce stomach cramps, stimulate the healing of the preferred gastric mucosa lesions.

People with gastroesophageal reflux disease should drink honey. Honey can help relieve the symptoms of acid reflux in the stomach in a number of ways. An article published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research points to some key benefits:

– Reflux may be caused by free radicals destroying cells in the digestive tract. Honey can prevent damage by removing free radicals.

– Honey can help reduce inflammation of the esophagus.

– The composition of honey allows it to better cover the mucous membranes of the esophagus. This can provide long-term support.

Honey is natural and can be used with other traditional gastroesophageal reflux therapy.


How to use Honey?


External use


1) Fight cellulite by applying honey on the problematic areas and then squeezing the palms close to them and peeling them sharply – you need to get the so-called effect of the suction cup.

2) Get rid of the inflammations on your face with the help of a scrub, mixed with a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of ground almonds. Before a pimple kills you, smear the red place with honey and wait for 20-30 minutes.

3) Honey is never slapped or smeared because it contains bactericidal substances. You can put a bandage with honey on the hit, inflamed and scratched areas of your body.

4) The mask, prepared by adding a teaspoon of honey, curd and a tablespoon of lemon juice has a toning effect.

5) Tighten the skin of your body by mixing honey and orange juice in proportions of 2:1, smear, wrap in foil and cover for 30 minutes.

6) Do your nails break? Daily apply Honey – for about 10 minutes and wash off.

7) If your hair falls off, once a week massage your scalp with honey, rubbing it into the roots. After 15 minutes wash off with warm water.

8) The 15-minute bath with a few tablespoons of honey in the water is a great means of relaxation. Caution: People with cardiovascular diseases should avoid this.

9) Strengthen your hair with a homemade lotion. Pour 20 g. Chamomile in 100 ml. Boiling water, after half an hour strain and add a teaspoon of honey. Moisten your pre-washed and slightly dried hair with the solution, rinse it after 40 minutes.


Amazing Health Benefits of Honey


Internal use


-If you regularly consume honey, you will increase the level of haemoglobin in your blood.

-In many European countries, to substitutes for mother’s milk intended for premature infants and for infants suffering from hypochromic anaemia or jaundice, add honey.

-Buckwheat honey is considered most useful – it contains the most necessary vitamins and microelements.

-The best in colds is the lipase honey, which lowers the temperature and has a strong sweating effect.

-Honey softens the mucous membranes and therefore it is recommended for cough and throat diseases.

-Honey helps with nervous exhaustion and problems with the heart, stomach, liver.

-The soothing properties of honey make it a wonderful sleeping pill. Dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of warm water and drink before bedtime.

-Honey relieves pain, concomitant inflammation of the large intestine and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

In addition to the above benefits, honey helps to offer much more health benefits. It has been proven that honey is an effective remedy against more than 50 different bacterial species, in addition, it contains many antioxidants that can, for example, damage the colon (ulcerosa), risk of cancer, damage caused by free radicals. It also stimulates the absorption level of calcium, which can also prevent many disorders. To this day, no negative effect of honey has been proven (with moderate use). So you will only benefit with a spoonful of honey and milk every morning.


Manuka Honey


Amazing Health Benefits of Honey
Amazing Health Benefits of Honey

Image source – google images


What is Manuka Honey?


This rare and unique honey is made from nectar collected by bees from the native Manuka tree. Manuka honey is cherished for its rare and complex properties. The unique natural substance in Manuka nectar is what makes Manuka honey so different.

Manuka honey is particularly rare – it is only grown on the slopes, coastal areas and forest edgy edges of New Zealand and northern New South Wales, Australia, and is home to a black tea tree called Manuka( also known as Manuka). And it can only be harvested each year during a few short weeks in Manuka. Annual honey production also varies based on weather conditions and changes in nectar yield.

Manuka honey is a complex honey that is different from other common honeys.

The natural properties of Manuka honey have been the focus of extensive research by researchers, and their outstanding natural properties make Manuka honey unique and highly regarded around the world.

Scientific research has shown that methyl acetaldehyde (MGO) is a natural compound found in Manuka honey. Methyl acetaldehyde is formed in Manuka honey, and the content of methyl acetaldehyde increases as the honey matures.

Professional care and storage processes, combined with precise testing, are key to ensuring the efficacy, quality and purity of Manuka honey. Each step of the process must meet strict specifications.

Manuka Honey has many loyal fans around the world, and there are many studies, with many small partners using Manuka honey as a health supplement, the best health food, or a natural alternative to refined sugar.

Finally, honey is also an excellent natural sugar substitute! Although the glycemic value of honey is not exactly low, it still remains more than a quarter lower than regular sugar. In addition to that, however, honey contains countless other nutrients that our body has a lot of use for. Therefore, replace the unhealthy sugars today with natural sugar substitutes as honey.

From all the above facts we can conclude that honey is healthy and that our body has many advantages when we consume it. So start eating honey today and take advantage of the numerous benefits of honey.


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